Secure Upload of Manual Donation Forms and Donor Information
Downloading a manual donation form template
When your project has been approved, a manual donation form template will be automatically generated for you. You can download this form as a PDF document in the ASF platform, while in the project record.
However, if you cannot see a URL in your Donation Forms list, please contact the ASF Fundraising Support Team and we’ll create a template for you to download.
SECURE UPLOAD To help protect donor information, the ASF platform provides a secure upload function for manual donations and any other document with donor details. This means that you can upload a document within your project record and it will be encrypted and sent to our Finance team for processing.
To securely upload a document:
1. Login to the ASF platform by entering your username and password. 2. Once on the Home page, select ‘Manage My Fundraising’.
3. In the Projects tab, select the project name that the donation form/s relates to.
4. SCROLL HALFWAY DOWN THE PAGE On the right-hand side, beneath the project URL’s, you will find the section for securely uploading documents.
5. SELECT 'FILE' AND CLICK 'UPLOAD' BUTTON Please note – only one document can be uploaded at a time. After you have uploaded a document you can ‘upload another file’.
TIP: If you have multiple documents, we suggest scanning or combining them into one PDF document before uploading.
You will receive an email notification from our Finance team when documents have been uploaded successfully and also when the donations have been processed.