Grant Payments
How can I check my ASF account balance?
You can check how much has been raised and not yet granted out to you at any time by logging into the ASF platform.
On the Home page, there is a How Am I Tracking section and one of the displays is a Current Account Balance.

TIP: If the balance is less or more than you were anticipating, click on the Refresh button to ensure you’re viewing the most up-to-date information.
How can I access the money I've raised?
This is an automatic process, so you don’t need to do anything. Generally, we pay out donations via twice-monthly grant payments, as per the following schedule:
- Donations processed 1st — 15th of the month will be paid out on the last working day of that month; and
- Donations processed 16th — last day of the month will be paid out on the 15th of the following month.
Can I review/edit bank account details for my payments?
Yes, this can be done in the Account section of the ASF platform.

How do I know if a payment has been made to my bank account?
Each time we make a payment, all contacts with a login to the ASF platform will be sent an email notification. You can review details in the Payments section of the platform.

How can I tell what donations were included in a payment?
Each payment we make to your account will be recorded in the ASF platform, including a start and end date. These dates can be used to create a donation listing in the Reports section of the platform.

TIP: Only reconciled donations are included in a grant payment, so use 1a. Donations Report (Reconciled).