Reporting Your Expenditure for Charity Grant Payments

Acquittals are the way our fundraising partners account for the funds they raise through the Australian Sports Foundation (ASF). This is to help ensure that donations are being used for the development of sport in Australia, and the intended/approved purpose.

We work on a 90-day reporting cycle, however, completing your acquittals on the ASF platform has never been easier and you can do it at any time before the due date.

For organisations who have received grant payments, you’ll receive regular email reminders to submit an Acquittal or Expenditure Report. If your project is approved for charitable giving, this process requires more detailed substantiation, as there are stricter compliance regulations to ensure funds are being used for a charitable sporting purpose.

You can view and complete your charity acquittals in the Programs section of the ASF platform, however the easiest way to see if you have any outstanding reports is by clicking on the quick launch 'Report My Expenditure' link on your Home page.

1. Click on 'Report My Expenditures' where you have a charitable grant to acquit.

Alternatively, you can access this page by clicking on 'Program' in the main navigation menu, and then clicking 'Fundraising for Sports'.

2. Navigate across to the Acquittals tab; if you have any charity acquittals outstanding you’ll see the Remaining Charity Grant Balance to Be Acquitted and Due Date above the list of standard acquittals. To create the charity acquittal, simply click on 'Create Acquittal +'.

NOTE: If you’ve already started your charity acquittal, it will appear in the list below, click Manage to edit or complete this acquittal.

TIP: Use the + icon to expand the details of the project and add expenditure line items.

3. If you have spent all or part of the charity grant payment, you will need to substantiate the expenditure. To do this, click on '+Add Line Item'.

4. Complete the fields and upload supporting documentation.


Supplier Name: Who you purchased the products or services from.

Date Paid: As per invoice or receipt.

Amount (Inc. GST): The GST-inclusive price of the product or service — enter the total amount on the invoice or receipt, even if this is higher than the amount we’ve asked you to substantiate.

Description of the Transaction: Give a brief summary of the product or service purchased.

Upload Files: Upload supporting documents related to the expenditure, such as receipts, invoices, payroll reports and/or other relevant documentation. Complete the fields and upload supporting documentation.

5. Click 'Save' and the expenditure will appear in the acquittal item list.

6. Repeat steps 3-5 for each invoice/expenditure item until you’ve accounted for the full charity grant amount.

7. For charity grant payments that remain unspent, you will need to upload a bank statement showing a balance of funds you’re holding for future expenditures.

To upload a bank statement, scroll to the bottom of the page, select 'Bank Statement' and use the Upload Files function or attach the file by dragging and dropping. This bank statement should show a balance equal to or greater than your remaining balance to be acquitted.

You must also send an email to the Finance Team making a request for a due date extension, stating the reason and the date to which you would like it to be extended.

8. Once all details of the acquittal have been entered select 'Submit'.

The status of your acquittal will change to Pending Approval until our Finance team has reviewed it. You will then either receive an email advising that your charity acquittal has been approved, or our Finance team will be in contact to obtain more detail.